Wednesday, April 26


This is a word cloud based on my blog that was generated by this website. Here is their definition:

A word cloud is a visual depiction of content (words) used in a body of text. The word clouds we use at are arranged alphabetically and depict more frequently used words in progressively larger fonts.
The Custom line uses your own personal website to make word clouds. For Custom word clouds, our software analyzes your weblog and presents some of your most frequently used words. You can edit this list as much or as little as you like, it's completely customizable. If you have a weblog, click on Custom and give it a try.

So these are the words that occur most on my blog. I will do it again someday and see if it's changed any. Hopefully "God" and "glory" will continue to stay at the top of the list (well, stay in the largest font anyway).

Monday, April 24

Update on the Relationship

Just so ya know, the reason that I have not written much about my relationship with Jeff on here is NOT that I don't have much to say or that I don't want to write about it. The reason is that I have way too much to say and will not be able to stop. Phone calls are so much easier for this sort of thing. But here's a few random thoughts:

1.) It has now been a month and a day since our first coffee date. It seems like yesterday and like forever at the same time. I know him so well in just those few weeks because we have talked about almost everything. As far as I know, we have both been completely honest with each other about how we think about all those issues. Therefore, in just a month (and really we decided this even before now) we can both say that we hope to marry each other.

2.) I love looking back and seeing how God has sovereignly worked to get us to this point. Jeff and I can point to several things that had to happen for us to be where we are. We say things like, "If you hadn't asked that question..." "If you hadn't sent that e-mail..." "If I hadn't had this conversation with that person..." "Good thing you didn't hear me say I was kidding..." and there's so much more. Of course we don't look at those as random things that fortunately happened, but as little stuff that God used to begin this relationship.

3.) Each phase of life has so many new things I need to learn. Now I am striving to learn how to love someone not for my sake or his, but for God's. Sometimes I feel that my love for God is so small that it doesn't make sense for Him to give me something that could distract me. But, as Jeff pointed out yesterday, God is not tempting me by giving me a boyfriend. He is blessing me, He is teaching me more about Himself, and He is giving me a new way in which to glorify Him. As with any good thing, Satan can use it to tempt and distract me, but the One in me is greater than him.

4.) It's cool how every couple's relationship is so different. Some people have huge struggles or some big crisis that just defines everything else. Others have an easier, more peaceful time with it. Ours has had very little to struggle through so far, but enough to make it a good story. Seriously, our first date was the most awkward, uncomfortable night of my life. I have never experienced so much of 2 opposite feelings at once. I was so nervous and almost didn't think I could do it, and at the same time I really wanted to go on the date, get to know him and consider the possibility that I would like him. So as crazy as that night was, I wouldn't change it if I could. Now I can look back on all that nervousness and laugh...

5.) A couple months ago, I thought about all the things I have known I want or need in a husband and boiled it down to this: Godly Leader. Jeff is both of those things, though imperfectly. We've talked about Biblical manhood and womanhood, and how we can each live that out both now and when we are married.

6.) Ultimately, I am dating Jeff because he is a Godly guy that I think I want to marry. But along with that, I just plain like him. He's so sweet to me, he makes me laugh, he is kind and thoughtful, and I just love being with him. Oh, and he's really cute too, in case you couldn't tell from the picture.

7.) I am falling in love! I mean that in the most God-centered, logical, Word-based way possible of course. :)

Well, I knew this would get long really fast. I'm sure there is more to come, but that's it for now.

Thursday, April 20

Donner Expedition - Chapter Five

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

As soon as Kerry said the car was a white Jeep, I was sure we were about to die. Obviously the guy who had been fishing had seen us earlier, had been to our campsite while we were gone, and was now chasing us down the highway. Not only did the car follow me through the turn into Silver Bay, it also followed me the next time I turned. Now I was thinking, "Do I really want to lead this psycho to my grandparents' house?" The next time I turned, the Jeep went straight, but I almost expected the guy to whip around the whole block, block our car, and kill us all. We all felt like we were in some sick horror movie.

After that last turn, I did not see the Jeep again and felt safe enough to go to the house. Kerry, Joy and I barged inside panting, crying and shaking. My grandma, grandpa, uncle and cousin all stared at us while we told them what had just happened. At that point, we decided we really wanted to call Jason 'cause now we had a real story to tell. We were able to get ahold of him, and he could hardly believe what had happened. He was glad we were safe, and so were we.

We talked over the whole incident again, trying to determine which parts of the story were facts and which were our speculations. The blazing fire was a fact, and since we could not explain that, it freaked us out. The tail-gating Jeep could have been a coincidence, but we weren't really sure. We had seen a white Jeep that day, and this one seemed to have been following us all the way from the campsite to Silver Bay. We also knew that we needed to go back to the campground at some point to get all our stuff, but there was no way we were going to do that alone at night. My grandma suggested that we go talk to the police, just in case something dangerous or bad had actually happened.

We explained the whole thing to the policeman who said, "I don't want to scare you guys, but I should let you know that there was a criminal sex offender who just got out of jail and was released in this area recently. He is on a tracking device, so we should know if he has gone somewhere he shouldn't. But you should know that his last offence was committed at a campground. I don't remember if it's the one where you were or another in the area."


Tuesday, April 18


On Sunday, my dear friends had a surprise party for my 24th birthday. I went to church with Jeff and Kerry, and then Jeff and I went to my grandparents' house for Easter dinner and a family birthday party. On the way back, we visited Jeff's parents and stopped at Centennial Lakes Park. Jeff gave me a beautiful wooden music box that he made, and we walked around the lake and talked for a little while. Then he took me back to my house. I walked in the door and found a bunch of friends yelling, "Surprise!"

Here's me coming through the door:

Kerry planned this whole party, partly while she was out of town for a week. I've had two surprise parties before. One I didn't expect, and one I did because someone had made me suspicious enough to know it was coming. This time, I never had a clue. Good job, guys and thank you!

Monday, April 17

Jeff and Christine

Monday, April 10


Well, for the 6 of you that read my blog (and most already know this anyway 'cause I've talked to you recently), I have some exciting news:
As of April 8, 2006, I am dating! His name is Jeff, and I really, really like him. Sorry, I don't have any pictures yet.

I have to say, it's really neat when God just sort-of drops something in your lap that brings you joy. He really does delight in giving good gifts to his children. I don't know yet what He intends to do with this new relationship, but I want to enjoy every minute of it to the glory of God.

Thursday, April 6

Donner Expedition - Chapter Four

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

At about the same time all three of us realized the following "fact": Someone had messed with our campsite and was probably still there! But who could have done that? The only possibilities in my mind were my uncle (maybe to play a joke on us?) or that guy in the white Jeep who had been fishing. No one else knew we were there. Of course we immediately assumed the worst, and we certainly weren't going to take our chances! I backed up the car, got back on the path, and sped out of that campground. I think Kerry was screaming "Drive! Drive!" in my ear the whole time.

I got back to the highway to head for my grandparents' little town. All three of us were scared out of our minds. The road was covered with mist from the recent storm, and it was rather difficult to see. Suddenly Kerry observed that there was a car basically tailgating us down this foggy, winding road. I hadn't even noticed what was behind me because I was so worried about driving. I tried speeding up a little to get away from the vehicle, but he sped up too. I slowed down hoping he would pass me, but of course the conditions made that a ridiculous idea anyway. The car stayed right behind me no matter what I did.

Of course we all assumed (our imaginations were running wild at this point) that whoever was driving the car was the same person we had just "seen" at our campsite. So I said to Kerry, "Maybe it's my uncle. We're about to turn off the highway into Silver Bay, so you look and see if it is his car." Of course I was hoping the car would NOT follow us into Silver Bay but continue down the highway.

As I approached the turn, I put on my right blinker, and so did the car! I was praying, "Please, God, let it be my uncle's little station wagon!" If that were the case, I would have nearly killed him (J/K) for scaring us so badly, but at least I would know that we were safe. So, I slowed down, turned, and said, "Ok, see if it's my uncle." Kerry yelled, "No! It's a white Jeep!"